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  • What is at issue with the redevelopment proposal of the former KMart site on East Third Street?
    The redevelopment of 12 acres on the site of the former K-Mart on East Third Street (125,000 sq ft retail building) in Bloomington. The site includes the current Bloomingfoods East location – but not the 5th/3rd Bank Building on the north east corner. Neighbors in the surrounding area, as well as community members, have concerns about what this site will include. Issues that will be addressed as the plan moves forward include density, use, height, and utilities and streets. These will all affect residents surrounding the area. During this development phase, it is importat that community members express their questions and concerns about the project ot reach the best possible outcome. Trinitas Ventures is developing the site called the District at Latimer Square and will be submitting their plan proposal as a PUD (Planned Unit Development) this fall. The intent of the PUD zoning request - a change from the current CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning - is to allow for planned multi-use including residential and commercial on the site. Trinitas held community workshops in late July to collect input on preferred design features. The preferred design is pictured above. Market research presented by Trinitas showed that the site could support: 69,000 sq ft retail, including... - 35,000 sq ft of fast casual food - 24,000 sq ft of apparel and personal services 425 units of market rate apartments 20-25 townhome for sale opportunities 20-25 condo for sale opportunities 110-room hotel 90,000 sq ft of office space The site would need to be 5-8 stories tall to integrate all possible uses (CA zoning restricts heights of buid structures to 50 ft, or 4 stories). The site would also include multiple multi-story parking structures.
  • Who is Trinitas Ventures? What have they developed locally?
    Trintas Ventures is a property development company that focuses on student rentals and is headquartered in Lafayette, IN. You can read more about Trintas Ventures on their website here. Locally they have developed and/or manage: • The Dylan (525 South Patterson Drive) 13.5 acres, 204-unit, 635-beds urban student housing community includes houses, townhouses and flats. • Village at Muller Park (500 S Muller Parkway) 35 acres, 668-bed, 248-unit community features townhouse and apartments • Arlington Glen (proposal currently under review) (1550 N. Arlington Park Drive) 41 acres, 253 units and 855 bedrooms. The project includes 224 duplex units and 29 single-family detached dwelling units. • The District at Latimer Square (proposal pending) (former KMart Site on East Third Street) 12-acres
  • Why this website?
    Community planning and development can be a complicated and drawn out process. It can be difficult to feel like you understand the process, what is at stake, what your part as a community member is, and where and when input can be made. This website is developed by neighbors - for neighbors - to understand these elements and take action where there is opportunity during this redevelopment project. The purpose of providing this information for neighbors is: • To provide information about a land use proposal and allow the opportunity for property owners in the vicinity to comment. • To gather neighbor comments, concerns, and suggestions about a development proposal early in the review process. • To provide the opportunity for comments and concerns to be addressed by the applicant.
  • What is the current zoning at the KMart location?
    CA: Commercial Arterial: This zoning district is established for high intensity commercial developments along major thoroughfares. You can read more about use, intent, and standards of CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning districts in the City's Universal Dvelopement Ordinance (UDO).
  • Where can I learn more about this project and connect to resources?
    Comments received through this website News and Updates posted Bloomington Comprehensive Plan (pdf) Bloomington Universal Development Ordinance (UDO) City of Bloomington Planning dept - Zoning Types Described - Plan Commission members, meeting dates, and documents - City Council members, meeting dates, and documents Trinitas Ventures website The District at Latimer Square website and comments
  • What is being proposed for development at this site?
    No plan has been submitted for review yet, but a preferred plan sketch (see below) was selected from the public comment sessions that Trinitas Ventures held in July. Features of the preferred plan included - a retail and office plaza on the north east corner with a public plaza for a possible farmers' market - a preferred space for Bloomingfoods (dark orange building at intersection) - two, 8-11 story apartment buildings on the south side of the property for 425 market rate apts - 44-50, 3-4 story townhomes and condos with opportunities for sale - a 110-unit hotel 6-8 stories tall - simlar to the height of the Hyatt Place Hotel on West Kirkwood - two, 6-story parking structures - parking integrated into apartmetn building - a central green space that could include an area for public performance - stairs and an elevator to the higher grade that would include access to the incoming street, the apartments, and the parking structures Trinitas Ventures will be submitting their plan proposal as a PUD (Planned Unit Development) this fall for The District at Latimer Square. The intent of the PUD zoning request - a change from the current CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning - is to allow for planned multi-use including residential and commercial on the site. The preferred design is pictured below. Market research presented by Trinitas showed that the site could support: 69,000 sq ft retail, including... - 35,000 sq ft of fast casual food - 24,000 sq ft of apparel and personal services 425 units of market rate apartments 20-25 townhome for sale opportunities 20-25 condo for sale opportunities 110-room hotel 90,000 sq ft of office space The site would need to be 5-8 stories tall to integrate all possible uses (CA zoning restricts heights of buid structures to 50 ft, or 4 stories). The site would also include multiple multi-story parking structures.
  • How do I connect to my neighborhood to receive communications?
    As a part of the approval process for granting a PUD through the City, Trintas Ventures will be required to meet with each of the surrounding neighborhoods. If you are not already connected to your neighborhood association and any communications, you are encouraged to us the contact information below to reach out. Park Ridge (facebook page) – Steve Akers Park Ridge East - Mik Bik Hoosier Acres (facebook page) - Rebecca Harris
  • How can I get involved?
    Click on the Get Involved page to submit your comments, or the Calendar page to discover when upcoming meetings and input sessions will be held.
  • What is a PUD?
    A planned unit development (PUD) is a type of building development and also a regulatory process. As a building development, it is a designed grouping of both varied and compatible land uses, such as housing, recreation, commercial centers, and industrial parks, all within one contained development or subdivision. You can read more about PUDs in the City's Universal Development Ordinance (UDO). Zoning ordinances are often not very flexible, requiring neighborhoods or commercial areas to appear the same. Planned unit development is one tool which can provide more flexibility and innovation for development.
  • How does this affect me as a neighbor to this redevelopment site?
    That is up to you. The information provided here is so that you may feel empowered to be a part of the process in whatever way suits you.
  • What is the process for a PUD development approval?
    The basic steps for the developer to receive plan, zoning, and site approval are as follows: STAGE 1 REZONING - Step 1 The developer submits the plan - with a request for rezoning of the site and development as a PUD - to be scheduled within 30 days for 1st hearing with the Plan Commission - Step 2 The Plan Commission could hear the Plan a second time within 30 days - but could deliberate longer depending on the conversation and agreements reached (multiple meetings, each 30 days apart) - Step 3 The Plan Commission will send their recommendations (positive or negative) along with the plan to the City Council for a hearing on approval of the rezone - Step 4 Once/If a Rezone is approved for the PUD - a guidelines document for the plan would need to be submitted by the developer within 90 days - essentially they will be writng their own zoning guidelines for the property - Concurrent to the above process at Step 1 The developer would submit a Preliminary Plat (streets, grading, utilities, etc.) for the property to the Plan Commission for first hearing (this only needs to be approved by the Plan Commission and is not sent to Council for approval) - The final Plat approval could happen within 30 days of the first hearing - either at a second meeting of the Plan Commission or at a meeting of the Plat Committee if deemed appropriate due to low agenda items on the Plan Commission schedule Stage 2 PERMITTING Submitted as building and construction begins on site - will be submitted and granted as needed during process - Grading Permit - granted through the City - Building Permits - filed with the County - but must have stamp of zoning compliance through the CIty to be valid In Bloomington, the request for a PUD is handled like a zoning amendment. When done this way, it is a legislative, or policy decision, and the legislative body (City Council) makes the final approval. The Plan Commission will hear the proposal at least twice before providing a recommendation for City Council (the legislative body) to adopt the amendment. The newly adopted zoning ordinance must also specify: Conditions for eligibility Participants in review process Requirements, standards for review Procedures for application, review
  • Are there other PUDs in Bloomington?
    Yes. Click here to view an interactive map of the current Bloomington Zoning districts.
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